Blogs, books, & other inspiration


Drawcloseblog A Blog about illustrated Bible Journalling

Onepinktoothbrush A Mum works out her faith in the day-to-day of family life

Think theology

A New Name Emma Scrivener’s blog about her life and dealing with anorexia

Katy Hollway A blog by my friend and author Katy Hollway


The Circle Maker, Mark Batterson A book that inspires me to pray every time I read it

The Good God, Michael Reeves A great book on the Trinity

Healed of Cancer, Dodie Osteen This little book has a list of helpful scriptures to pray through if you are sick.

The Knowledge of the Holy  A W Tozer. A book describing the attributes of God.


For those who have a terminal cancer diagnosis Stuart Townend’s song, Keep You Here, is a response to his family’s experience: